Fist key will be in the Hospice building on your right.There is another statue hanging down on cable wire between two buildings, across from the stone wall where you found the second key shoot the statue down to recive a small key.There is a small statue with a key inside once you go up the watch tower climb the ladder all the way to the top and look down on the front of the ladder to the left, and you'll see a statue.After you shoot the statue the key will be on the ground near that part of the wall. The second key (small statue) can be found on top of the stone wall to the right of the entrance to the barn.One key (inside small statue) can be found at the top of the barn if you take the ladder up from the second floor, you must first disarm the trap.

Burn him, then grab the key from the small stand on the right wall. Use a melee attack to open it, and be ready for the creature on the floor to attack. Sneak up behind him, kill him, and take his torch. Once that's done you can enter the door or window, but be cautious, there's a trap in the hallway. Once you take down that trap there are wooden planks that are blocking the doorway to the left. Be careful there's another one of those creatures with a torch. Find and throw the bottle to distract him so you won't be seen, then follow the road to the right untill you see a house with a fire outside.

On the left stone wall near the gate is a small statue you can smash to obtain a key. Jump through the window and walk until you reach the fire. One key is found after completing the stealth tutorial.

This video guide starts from Chapter 1, showing all collectibles including keys in order.